Re: [q] Typesetting rules in Spanish

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Sep 07 2002 - 01:39:36 EDT

Robert Lloyd Wheelock wrote:

> --Yo soy Juan de Aguirre, el marino, el hermano de su madre de usted,
> el que despareció.
> --¡Usted es Juan de Aguirre!
> --Sí.
> --¿Mi tío?
> --El mismo.
> --¡Y por qué no habérmelo dicho antes!
> ...
> A suitable translation into English of the above discorse would also
> be very helpful. Thank You!

"I am Juan de Aguirre, the sailor, the brother of your mother, the one who disappeared."
"You are Juan de Aguirre!"
"My uncle?"
"The very one."
"And why haven't you told me this before!"

-Doug Ewell
 Fullerton, California

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