Re: script or block detection needed for Unicode fonts

From: John Cowan (
Date: Sun Sep 29 2002 - 14:17:42 EDT

  • Next message: Murray Sargent: "RE: script or block detection needed for Unicode fonts"

    John H. Jenkins scripsit:

    > This just seems wildly inefficient to me, but then I'm coming from an
    > OS where this isn't done.

    As a cross-platform app, Mozilla can't count on very much from the platform.

    John Cowan
        "Mr. Lane, if you ever wish anything that I can do all you will have
            to do will be to send me a telegram asking and it will be done."
        "Mr. Hearst, if you ever get a telegram from me asking you to do
            anything you can put the telegram down as a forgery."

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