Re: Names for UTF-8 with and without BOM

From: Doug Ewell (
Date: Sat Nov 02 2002 - 20:42:12 EST

  • Next message: Tex Texin: "Re: Names for UTF-8 with and without BOM"

    Tex Texin <tex at i18nguy dot com> wrote:

    > However, I didn't realize that parsers were to allow for the
    > possibility of different signatures.
    > So a parser has to worry about scsu signatures, etc....

    A parser only *has* to read UTF-8 without signature and UTF-16 with
    signature. It *may* read other encodings of its own choosing, including
    ISO 8859-1, SCSU, JOECODE, or US-BSCII. (However, I can't find anything
    that allows for SCSU with signature, which is a shame since UTS #6
    encourages the signature.)

    -Doug Ewell
     Fullerton, California

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