Re: Precomposed Tibetan

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Tue Dec 17 2002 - 19:12:08 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Precomposed Tibetan"

    From: "Michael Everson" <>

    > At 13:53 -0800 2002-12-17, Kenneth Whistler wrote:
    > >The question for Unicoders is whether introduction of significant
    > >normalization problems into Tibetan (for everyone) is a worthwhile
    > >for this claimed legacy ease of transition for one system, when it is
    > >clear that all existing legacy data using these precomposed stacks is
    > >going to have to either be reencoded anyway (or surrounded by migration
    > >filters for new systems).
    > Is it a question? To do so would be a disaster for the encoding of


    Everyone here KNOWS this. What Ken was pointing out is that not only will it
    create such problems, but it will not solve the problem that they claim it
    will. It was an additional reason to say no, and one they might be forced to
    acknowledge since it refutes their claims.

    MichKa [MS]

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