Re: Never say never

From: Asmus Freytag (
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 20:22:13 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "RE: Never say never"

    At 08:13 AM 2/12/03 -0800, Doug Ewell wrote:
    > > Even then, you may be behind a time lag of more than one month because
    > > the UTC meetings minutes are posted a little late. So, to be fully
    > > aware, apart from becoming a member, you should also attend UTC
    > > meetings.
    >I would imagine that issues like this are also discussed on the
    >members-only UnicoRe list. So it might be possible to stay up-to-date
    >on such things even if meetings are difficult to attend.

    As a member you get notice of all UTC documents posted. With that, its
    usually possible to be alerted to developments in time to make one's
    position known. Most WG2 documents of interest also get posted as UTC

    Oriya was an unusual case since the request had been for one of the WA/VA
    pair of characters with the glyph not matching the logical location and the
    name differing among documents. That situation had been noted, but not
    resolved, many month before the Tokyo meeting. The resolution of that open
    issue was handled at the Tokyo meeting.

    In many cases, UTC will ask for, and WG2 will accede to a delay in encoding
    the characters in question, particularly when grave questions remain, or
    when many characters are involved, or both. However, it's not possible to
    refuse to resolve issues altogether, so those with an interest in or
    knowledge of a particular script and who want to be involved need to check
    posted documents, including WG2 and UTC minutes, action item lists, and
    disposition of comments on draft amendments, in addition to the proposal
    documents themselves to be alerted to such issues.

    The fact that the UTC was working on feedback from India was something that
    can be seen in the document trail for a period longer than a year before
    final action was taken.


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