RE: FAQ entry

From: Kent Karlsson (
Date: Fri Mar 07 2003 - 10:29:44 EST

  • Next message: Kent Karlsson: "RE: FAQ entry"

    > > E.g., it is quite legitimate to render, e.g. LIGATURE FI as
    > an f followed
    > > by an i, no ligation, whereas that is not allowed for the ae
    > > ligature/letter, nor for the oe ligature.
    > How do you know that? Either "Caesar" or "Cæsar" is good Latin.

    That's the other way around. Ligating ae into æ works for Latin
    and sometimes English (could be done via a "smart" font). However,
    breaking up the *character* æ into separate glyphs for a and e goes
    against the reason why this character is at all encoded, and the
    *character* æ must always be rendered ligated. This is in contrast to
    the character for fi ligature, which is there ONLY for compatibility
    reasons, and *should* never even be used. Note that e.g. an fj
    ligature is just as legitimate and useful as an fi ligature (fjord,
    fjol, fjärde, fjäll, fjorton, fjäder,...), but since it is of no
    orthographic significance, there's no character for fj ligature, and
    there should not, strictly speaking, have been one for the fi ligature;
    both the fi and fj ligatures (and many more) should be generated
    just via the rendering system+font.

            /kent k

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