Re: FAQ entry (was: Looking for information on the UnicodeData file)

From: Christopher John Fynn (
Date: Mon Mar 10 2003 - 10:17:25 EST

  • Next message: Marco Cimarosti: "RE: Encoding: Unicode Quarterly Newsletter"

     "John Cowan" <> wrote:

    > Kent Karlsson scripsit:
    > > E.g., it is quite legitimate to render, e.g. LIGATURE FI as an f followed
    > > by an i, no ligation, whereas that is not allowed for the ae
    > > ligature/letter, nor for the oe ligature.
    > How do you know that? Either "Caesar" or "Cæsar" is good Latin.

    Hart's Rules:

    The combinations æ and œ should each be printed as two letters in Latin and Greek words, e.g. Aeneid, Aeschylus, Caesar, Oedipus, Phoenicia; and in English, as formulae, phoenix. Print e.g. oestrogen (where oe represents a single sound), but, e.g., chloro-ethane (not chloroethane) to avoid confusion.
      In Old English words use the ligature Æ, æ, as Ælfric, Cædmon; and in French use the ligature œ as in œuvre.

    The Chicago Manual of Style:
    The ligatures æ and œ should not be used either in Latin or Greek words or in words adopted into English from these languages

    - Chris

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