Re: Ligatures fj etc (from Re: Ligatures (qj) )

From: John Hudson (
Date: Thu Mar 13 2003 - 09:33:06 EST

  • Next message: Pim Blokland: "geometric shapes"

    At 02:21 AM 3/13/2003, William Overington wrote:

    >My reason for including the STAFF character, the intended effect of which I
    >can now produce using U+2502 or U+2503, was that, being fairly new to
    >producing fonts and just, thus far, using the Softy editor to produce
    >ordinary TrueType fonts, I had noticed, when trying it out in 2002, that if
    >I produce a font with a b c d e f then the font displays with lines packed
    >togather, yet that if I then add g the line spacing for all lines increases,
    >even if there is no g in that line. So I reasoned that the system might
    >scan through a font when it is loaded and decide upon the lowest point for
    >the whole font and then proceed on that basis.

    Linespacing in typical Windows apps is controlled by OS/2 table vertical
    metrics WinAscent and WinDescent. My guess, from your description, is that
    Softy automatically prevents clipping by assigning OS/2 table values based
    on the max height of the font bounding box (the height from the lowest
    descent to the heighest ascent). Is there no way to manually set OS/2
    values in Softy? If not, you should get yourself a proper font tool.
    FontLab is best, but Font Creator from High Logic is a pretty good and much
    cheaper option.

    I think this is getting off topic for this list.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC

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