Re: CJK question

From: Allen Haaheim (
Date: Sat Mar 22 2003 - 19:12:53 EST

  • Next message: Allen Haaheim: "Re: CJK question"

    I tried what you suggested with unipad, but for some reason it went to a
    location on a PUA character map, rather than CJK Unified Ideographs
    Extension B, where they are in fact located. I guess it is because Unipad
    doesn't support Extension B yet, or else I am doing something wrong. But
    thanks for directing me to the Unipad website, I'm sure it will be useful.

    Here is a sample line of text with the two graphs as blanks (on my machine),
    second and third from the left. They are No. 2835C and 283B9 respectively,
    on p.152 of the Extension B pdf:


    The page this text is from is I don't think
    you'll get into the site unless you or your university is a member.

    The basic problem may be because I may need to upgrade before I can see and
    use Extension B characters. Thanks for your suggestion, and any more you
    might have.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Chris Jacobs" <>
    To: "Allen Haaheim" <>
    Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 7:02 PM
    Subject: Re: CJK question

    > > For example, in a website I commonly use to view reliable, annotated
    > > editions of source texts (Chinese Ancient Texts Center at
    > > the Chinese U of Hong Kong), I frequently encounter blank spaces where
    > > rare graphs are located. (I have downloaded all their fontpacks.)
    > 1) If you want to know the Unicode number of such a blank then try to copy
    > it to unipad (available at and put the cursor on it.
    > 2) Can you give an example, url of webpage where the spaces occur + quote
    > such a space with a few preceding and following chars?

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