Re: suggestions for strategy on dealing with plain text in potentially any (unspecified) encoding?

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Sat May 10 2003 - 12:03:44 EDT

  • Next message: Ben Dougall: "suggestions for strategy on dealing with plain text in potentially any (unspecified) encoding?"

    Ben Dougall asked:

    > > If no encoding is found then to fall back to the default C string
    > > encoding.
    > mac os x.
    > possibly something else for an asian system?
    > any ideas what that should be?

    If Japanese and if it's a legacy Apple file, probably Shift-JIS; possibly
    EUC if the file was generated by an old NeXT system. But Apple provides
    lists of their encodings, all of which have mappings to/from Unicode and
    are available on the Unicode web site. I.e., you can get the list of


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