Re: Persian or Farsi? (was RE: Decimal separator with more than one c haracter?)

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed May 21 2003 - 10:49:27 EDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: [OT] Export laws in USA and elsewhere (was RE: Persian or Farsi? (was RE: Decimal separator with more than one character?))"

    From: "Frank da Cruz" <>
    > At 03:50 -0700 2003-05-21, Michael \(michka\) Kaplan wrote:
    > >In practice, neither Apple nor Microsoft (nor any other member of the
    > >Consortium) is allowed to sell software in Iran at present.
    > >
    > If I'm not mistaken, the (silly) embargo applies only to software that
    > contains strong encryption algorithms:

    You're right, this obviously does not apply to keyboards or cultural products such as books and publications, or linguistic research exchanges, even if all these domains can use computing technologies.

    Iran is a modern, rich and even beautiful country (very far from the current situation in neighbouring Irak or Pakistan) with strong cultural backgrounds in the population, even if there's some governmental control on cultural exchanges and political freedom (something that is much less enforced now in Iran, where many citizens there are much more tolerant and open to other world cultures and religions than their legal or religious authorities, whose threatening influence on population is becoming much less important than in the past time of islamic revolution or war against Irak).

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