Re: “book end” or <enclosing characters> in most languages?

From: Ben Dougall (
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 08:11:12 EDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "RE: IPA Null Consonant"

    :/ sorry, this paragraph:

    > the reason i said that bit is html and xml (i know they're not human
    > languages and they're certainly not in the area i'm asking about) but
    > they make heavy use of opening and closing - their structure is based
    > on it - and i wondering is there any language that uses of more than
    > one glyph for an open or close, like in xml and html? they have a
    > group of characters that together mean open or close, like <title> and
    > </title>. i can't think of anywhere that happens in english.

    again, minus mistakes, so it might make sense:

    the reason i said that bit is html and xml (i know they're not human
    languages and they're certainly not in the area i'm asking about) but
    they make heavy use of opening and closing - their structure is based
    on it - and i'm wondering is there any language that uses more than one
    glyph for an open or close, like in xml and html? they have a group of
    characters that together mean open or close, like <title> and </title>.
    i can't think of anywhere that happens in english, but maybe in another

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