Re: IPA Null Consonant

From: Rick McGowan (
Date: Mon Jun 02 2003 - 14:33:56 EDT

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "Re: RE: IPA Null Consonant"

    Stefan Persson asked:

    > BTW, is it possible
    > to put a variation selector after another variation selector to
    > obtaining even more variants?

    No. The usage of variation selectors is very clearly circumscribed. The
    standardized variants HTML file contains a brief synopsis:

    > The tables here exhaustively lists the valid, registered combinations of
    > base character plus variation indicator. All combinations not listed in
    > StandardizedVariants.txt are unspecified and are reserved for future
    > standardization; no conformant process may interpret them as
    > standardized variants. Variation selectors and their use are described
    > in The Unicode Standard.

    and the TXT file itself says:

    > # Warning: Only the variation sequences specifically defined in this
    > file
    > # are sanctioned for standard use. In all other cases the variation
    > selector
    > # cannot change the visual appearance of the preceding base character
    > from
    > # what it would have had in the absence of the variation selector.

    Anything else is non-conformant.

    (And of course this is only my personal opinion, etc.)


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