Re: Unicode 4.0 is online at last!

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2003 - 15:56:45 EDT

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "Re: Handwritten EURO sign (off topic?)"

    On 14/08/2003 12:24, Eric Muller wrote:

    > Peter Kirk wrote:
    >> And indeed the software being used is produced by a consortium
    >> member. Perhaps the embarrassment should be more that member's, that
    >> their software is not Unicode compatible.
    > The member in question is a company. Companies are not embarrassed nor
    > ashamed.

    Maybe. Sometimes they act as if they are, or at least their directors
    etc do.

    But actually there may be no reason for the member to be embarrassed
    here. I suspect the issue is the idiosyncratic way in which small cap
    variants of ASCII letters have been encoded within the font, in the PUA,
    rather than being handled with proper markup. I suspect that that is a
    matter of how the product has been used rather than of its basic

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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