Re: UTF-9

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Oct 30 2003 - 19:54:08 CST

From: "Stefan Persson" <>

> Philippe Verdy wrote:
> > Are there still now platforms where storage bytes are not octets but
> > i.e. 9-bit based platforms? If so this proposal makes sense, but as a
> > optimization for these platforms. Problems will code if you want to
> > interchange this data with the large majority of hosts that can handle a
> > bit in their bytes.
> Wouldn't these problems mostly be the same as when transferring 8-bit
> data through old 7-bit systems? This would mean that the various ways
> of solving the septet/octet problem could equally well be used to solve
> the octet/nonet problem.

Apparently, you did not bother read the UTF-9 "spec" too (with the funny
implementation in PDP10 assembly language, quite unusual in RFCs that are
not the best place to exhibit such platform-specific code). You also
answered on the principle of such encoding. Had I read it prior posting, I
may had added a small emoticon in my reply to Rick's message ;-)

Also, there's no 7-bit system, only 7-bit protocols. For them we already
have UTF-7 and MIME Base64 encoding for encapsulation in restricted ASCII
environments, and the Base-37 Punycode algorithm for IDNA in the even more
restricted DNS environment...

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