Re: Text Editors and Canonical Equivalence (was Coloured diacritics)

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Thu Dec 11 2003 - 17:36:56 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Text Editors and Canonical Equivalence (was Coloured diacritics)"

    On 11/12/2003 09:05, Michael (michka) Kaplan wrote:

    >From: "Peter Kirk" <>
    >>Here I disagree. As an application programmer writing for example some
    >>kind of linguistic application, it is totally irrelevant to me how much
    >>actual storage a string takes. Such things should be hidden away from me
    >>by several levels of system software and compilers. An application
    >>programmer doesn't even need to know what this concept means! Seriously!
    >>Beginners, even young children, can be taught simple programming and
    >>string handling without knowing anything about bits and bytes, certainly
    >>without having to know whether the e acute they just typed is stored as
    >>one byte or two.
    >I think you are mostly mistaken here. All of the programmers I know (i.e.
    >script kiddies need not apply? <grin>) call APIs. The bulk of those APIs
    >deal with APIs that have no notion of any of this. They take LPWSTR or WCHAR
    >* and a developer who does not know what those are or who incorrectly
    >assumes that they are grapheme clusters will not be able to function very
    This looks like an API written for programmers who are computer science
    graduates rather than one for beginners. Of course the CS graduates have
    a vested interest in making programming into a black art that only they
    can understand. But there are plenty of high level languages around,
    even Visual Basic, which manage to hide from the programmers all notions
    of memory allocation. I would hope that a Unicode version, do I mean
    Visual Basic.Net?, will continue to hide such things and have a string
    type which allows users to work without needing to distinguish
    canonically equivalent forms.

    >>Just as people can and do learn to drive cars without
    >>knowing anything about the nuts and bolts or how the engine works.
    >I think this is more like knowing how to fill the car with gas than knowing
    >innards. Most programmers (even ones who DO deal with graphene clusters)
    >need to be working below the level to which you are referring here.
    Only because the tools they are given to work with are not doing the job
    of hiding these innards. Anyway, who needs to know how to fill their car
    with gas when there are people who will do it for you? In some countries
    there still are!

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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