Re: Pre-1923 characters?

From: Michael \(michka\) Kaplan (
Date: Sat Jan 03 2004 - 14:15:42 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Latin letter GHA or Latin letter IO ? (was: Pre-1923 characters?)"

    From: "Michael Everson" <>

    > At 09:03 -0800 2004-01-03, Peter Kirk wrote:

    > >But in the light of naming errors like this one implementers should
    > >be advised not to use character names, because they are not reliably
    > >helpful.
    > I wouldn't say that. It would better to advise them, as we do, that
    > they cannot rely on the names being perfect. That's different from
    > not using them at all.

    It makes me wish we had a CouldaWouldaShoulda_CharacterName property that
    contains what the name ought to be, and we document this as one that *will*
    change any time there is a mistake made in the original character name. We
    just make a nice informative property and go through all of our known
    mistakes and the maintenance after the initial pass should be minimal....


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