Re: German characters not correct in output webform

From: Markus Scherer (
Date: Tue Jan 13 2004 - 12:26:55 EST

  • Next message: Christopher Cullen: "Re: Chinese rod numerals"

    Bert Kemner wrote:
    > I've a problem with a Javascript form on a german website.
    > (

    My IE browser says that this page is in UTF-8. Therefore, you can expect to get the form data back
    to the server in UTF-8 as well.

    > The input of the form contains german characters.
    > But the output (which is generated by submitting the form) does not
    > display those characters (see example beneath). My first reaction to
    > this problem is that Unicode somehow does not translate these german
    > characters to Windows (Outlook).

    As Doug said, "Unicode" does not translate text. What translates text here is most likely your web
    server. Your server appears to think that the form data should be encoded according to something
    like ISO-8859-1, but the data is actually encoded in UTF-8.

    The trick is to find out how to get your web server to assume the same encoding/charset for form
    data returned from the browser as it uses to encode and send the original page to the browser. If
    you use UTF-8 for the page encoding, then you need to use UTF-8 to go from the form data byte stream
    to Java strings.

    Hint: There are Java String constructors and other methods that turn a byte array into a String. If
    those methods do not provide any way to specify the encoding/charset, then they probably assume
    ISO-8859-1. Use instead a method that takes an encoding parameter. You may need to use a variation
    of an InputStreamReader constructed for the "UTF8" encoding.

    See also

    Viel Glück,

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