Re: German characters not correct in output webform

From: Peter Kirk (
Date: Wed Jan 14 2004 - 07:33:29 EST

  • Next message: Peter Kirk: "Re: Detecting encoding in Plain text"

    On 13/01/2004 15:59, Philippe Verdy wrote:

    >From: "Peter Kirk" <>
    > ...
    >>Is this actually true? Other characters can be entered into an
    >>ISO-8859-1 form in the format "&#nnn;"; or at least Mozilla 1.5 uses
    >>this format. I suspect this is what happened to me recently when I typed
    >>a schwa into a message in the webmail interface of a Yahoo group, and
    >>this appeared in my mail received from the group as "&#601;" - because
    >>the message source contained "&amp;#601;". The problem seems to be that
    >>the process reading the form data was not expecting this format and so
    >>took the & as a literal rather than as an escape.
    >It's true that you can pre-feed the form data within your HTML page encoded
    >with ISO-8859-1 using numeric character entities to specify non-ISO-8859-1
    >characters. If you try to submit it with a form specifying that it should be
    >encoded with ISO-8859-1, the browser may not notice that this pre-feeded
    >data (which still appeared correct in the rendered form) was bogous and
    >normally impossible to encode with ISO-8859-1.
    Just to clarify: the data I was entering was not bogus, but was exactly
    what I wanted to enter and was legal content for the e-mail which I
    wanted to send to the list. The error was at Yahoo, or possibly in my
    browser, in not supporting the characters which I wanted to use. I was
    not informed of any restriction or problem.

    Peter Kirk (personal) (work)

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