Re: Klingon

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Thu Jan 15 2004 - 12:27:17 EST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Klingon"

    From: <>
    > Michael Everson scripsit:
    > > At 14:53 +0100 2004-01-15, Chris Jacobs wrote:
    > >
    > > yIjachQo'. vItlhob.
    > >
    > > {{{:-)
    > Demonstrating once again that the One True Script for Klingon is Latin.

    If you're not convinced, look at this page:
    which writes:

    Note that there are no punctuation characters in this character set. It may
    be that Klingon doesn't use punctuation, although a few of Okrand's
    sentences do. Since Okrand doesn't use the Okuda orthography, and neither
    does Okuda, for that matter (except just randomly selecting glyphs), if we
    accept it as "real" Klingon pIqaD we don't really know anything about how
    it's written. The convention has developed that it's written horizontally,
    from left to right, like English, and usually each sentence is given its own
    line and centered (some follow this convention when writing the romanized
    orthography as well).

    And shows an actual alphabet with only approximative Latin mappings:
    a, b, ch, D, e, gh, H, I, j, l, m, n, ng, o, P, q, Q, r, S, t, tlh, u, v, w,
    y, '
    (the 10 digits are mapped more precisely from 0 to 9 but with a distinct
    ordering convention).

    Now look at how you would write "ngh": "n" + "gh" or "ng" + "H" ?
    Look at the distinction between "q" and "Q"...
    There's NO case mapping in the actual Klingon script.

    Another alphabet shows these approximate Latin mappings of the original
    Mandel system:
    K, L, I, NG, O, N, F, B, D, G, A, M, X, TH, H, V, J, E, S, Y, W, P, OO, T,
    R, U, Z

    See that there's no case in this alphabet (only one letter form). If you
    encode it with Latin and create words with it, then how will you read "oo":
    as Klingon "O" + "O" or as Klingon "OO". Same thing for "th" and "ng"...

    If you use the Latin approximation to write words, you need to keep the
    separation between actual Klingon letters, and one way to do it is to make
    some use of the (otherwise unused) Latin letter case. But this is purely a
    coding convention with no linguistic meaning. It just helps restoring the
    letter separation. However case mapping is an implied property of the Latin
    script which breaks the Klingon script. So the Klingon script is not

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