Re: JIS X 0213: 2000 AMD-1 and Unihan.txt

From: John Jenkins (
Date: Mon Apr 19 2004 - 15:05:41 EDT

  • Next message: Raymond Mercier: "Re: Web Form: Subj: Unicode conversion- Microsoft Visual C++ compiler"

    Yes, it's reasonable. In fact, the data have already been added, but
    this was done just too late for inclusion in the 4.0.1 release.

    On Apr 19, 2004, at 12:23 PM, Ernest Cline wrote:

    > Would it be reasonable to expect that data concerning the
    > ten characters added to JIS X 0213 by Amendment 1 will
    > make it into the next version of Unihan.txt? I'm presuming
    > that this is official since ISO-IR-233, which updates
    > ISO-IR-228, was released on 13 April.
    > [Relevant data from ISO-IR-233]
    > Unicode = Min,Ku,Ten
    > U+4FF1 = 1,14,01
    > U+525D = 1,15,94
    > U+541E = 1,47,94
    > U+5653 = 1,84,07
    > U+59F8 = 1,94,90
    > U+5C5B = 1,94,91
    > U+5E77 = 1,94,92
    > U+7626 = 1,94,93
    > U+7E6B =1,94,94
    > U+20B9F = 1,47,52
    > Ernest Cline
    John H. Jenkins

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