Re: Unihan.txt and the four dictionary sorting algorithm

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Apr 21 2004 - 04:53:18 EDT

  • Next message: Andrew C. West: "Re: Unihan.txt and the four dictionary sorting algorithm"

    From: "John Cowan" <>
    To: "Raymond Mercier" <>

    > Raymond Mercier scripsit:
    > > Since the lines in Unihan are separated by 0x0A alone, not 0x0A0x0D, this
    > > means that when opened in notepad the lines are not separated. Notepad does
    > > have the advantage that the UTF-8 encoding is recognized, and the characters
    > > are displayed.
    > Changing to a line terminator that Notepad does understand is absolutely
    > trivial to do.

    Use WordPad and you're done with it. But it's true that NotePad should have been
    able to read text files using Unix conventions (like the DOS EDIT tool or
    WordPad...) and not only the DOS/Windows/MIME CR+LF line-endings.

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