Re: Wallpaper your room with Unicode

From: Mark Davis (
Date: Mon Mar 21 2005 - 10:37:23 CST

  • Next message: Johannes Bergerhausen: "Re: Wallpaper your room with Unicode"

    Or if you want a 6K html file that will show the Unicode characters, you can

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    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "John Hudson" <>
    Cc: "Unicode List" <>
    Sent: Sunday, March 20, 2005 17:25
    Subject: Wallpaper your room with Unicode

    > For anyone looking for a somewhat smaller and more colourful version,
    > Bergerhausen has made some very nice posters to promote his 'Decode
    Unicode' project. They
    > only cover the BMP, but were a big hit at the ATypI conference in Prague
    last year,
    > altough delegates reported great difficulty getting the large rolls home
    on the plane:
    > John Hudson
    > --
    > Tiro Typeworks
    > Vancouver, BC
    > Currently reading:
    > A century of philosophy, by Hans Georg Gadamer
    > David Jones: artist and poet, ed. Paul Hills

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