RE: what is Latn?

From: JFC (Jefsey) Morfin (
Date: Tue May 17 2005 - 22:09:09 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe VERDY: "Re: SMTP and unicode"

    At 20:06 17/05/2005, Peter Constable wrote:
    > > From: []
    >On Behalf
    > > Of JFC (Jefsey) Morfin
    > > At 22:22 16/05/2005, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > > >If something is wrong here, there's something not documented in
    > > >(the list of characters that are considered part of the script).
    > >
    > > Thank you for this. This is the very point I need to "debug" for
    > > months. A human being can more or less understand "Latn". A computer
    > > a charset.
    >This seems to me to be about as obvious as saying that ISO 3166 is
    >faulty because it's not documented with a set of geospatial vectors
    >defining the physical extent of countries, and that ISO 639 is faulty
    >because it doesn't document all of the utterances/texts that make up a

    I am afraid you have difficulty with logic.
    There is no problem with any of them separtedly.
    But when you have orthogonal things to relate, as you want to in several
    documents, you need to have a relational system.
    You can use your feelings, you eyes, your memory, etc. as a person.
    As a computer you go by binary stuff. If a computer is to relate French and
    Latn, it must have binary element it can compare using a program.

    Now, a person with a bit of logic will do the same.

    As long as you do not tell me what is in Latn, I cannot tell you if it Latn
    applies to French.
    And please do not quote Unicode Character Set as a middle reference.
    It is not an ISO Standard, and it does not fully support French.

    > > 5. this way when we quote the tag, we quote the locale. When we have
    > > locale we have all the information you call for (provided the way to
    > > draw letters, but also icones, etc. is included in the locale).
    >Nobody has *ever* said that a locale tag gives you everything you ever
    >needed to know to implement support for a locale. It simply functions as
    >a metadata ID for a given data category; the rich content of that
    >category is defined separately.

    I am lost here.

    >Peter Constable

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