Re: Nuuchanulth and other languages of British Columbia

From: Chris Harvey (
Date: Sun May 29 2005 - 15:22:02 CDT

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: Nuuchahnulth dictionary"

    Sorry everyone about the PUA characters. I used an old alphabet chart. My

    Here's a better effort I hope.

    p t c č ƛ k kʷ q qʷ
    p̓ t̓ c̓ č̓ ƛ̓ k̓ k̓ʷ q̓ q̓ʷ
    s š ł x xʷ x̣ x̣ʷ ḥ h
    m n y l ŋ w ʕ
    m̓ n̓ y̓ l̓ w̓

    i – ii u – uu e – ee (o – oo) a – aa (double vowels indicate

    Sorry again. I thought I had rid myself of pretty much all of the old PUA
    characters I use to use.


    Gwlad heb iaith, gwlad heb galon
    (A country without its language is a country without a heart)

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