Re: [Fwd: Re: A Tamil-Roman transliterator (Unicode)]]

From: Gregg Reynolds (
Date: Tue Jun 28 2005 - 17:52:35 CDT

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: [Fwd: Re: A Tamil-Roman transliterator (Unicode)]]"

    I'm obviously not so good with email clients with multiple accounts...;)

    attached mail follows:

    Michael Everson wrote:

    > Are you CRAZY?

    Ah Mr. Everson. Your style amuses me, even though I do occassionaly
    want to strangle you.

    To answer your question: technically, yes. However, my suggestion is not.

    Unicode is a character encoding. Explicitly not in the service of
    languages. Furthermore, it is not and I sincerely hope it does not
    pretend to be, a guide to the linguistics of written languages. If it
    does have this pretension, I for one can assure you it fails miserably
    when it comes to Arabic.

    And even furtherfurthermore, I'm not aware that "eliminating all
    competing methods of encoding text" was one of Unicode's goals. Why
    would it be? It's an exchange encoding, no more, no less. If I or
    anybody else wants to design an encoding, and go to the trouble of
    adapting a piece of open source software (say, Vi, or Mozilla, etc.) to
    accomodate that encoding - well, what of it? Why is that any of
    Unicode's business? After all, ask yourself why legacy compatibility
    was required in the first place. Maybe many reasons, but one of them
    was surely so that software that uses a legacy encoding internally can
    continue to function without modification, with only an import/export
    filter. So if that is good enough for software supporting legacy
    encodings, why not for new encodings? Surely you don't believe the
    Unicode Church is the One True Way.

    > At 17:03 -0500 2005-06-28, Gregg Reynolds wrote:
    >> So instead of ranting about plots and conspiracies, why don't you try
    >> something constructive? Design a Tamil encoding from scratch, with no
    >> regard at all for legacy encodings, for the sole purpose of serving
    >> the Tamil-speaking community. Then hack up some open-source software
    >> to work with your design. Then you can find out if anybody really
    >> wants to use it. If they do, then you can come back to Unicode and
    >> make an argument based on facts on the ground, instead of political
    >> begging.
    >> -g

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