Re: [hebrew] Baseline level line?

From: John Hudson (
Date: Thu Jun 30 2005 - 02:00:54 CDT

  • Next message: Antoine Leca: "Re: Measuring a writing system "economy"/"accuracy""

    Dean Snyder wrote:

    > If it were a combining character it could be useful for indicating the
    > baseline in all sorts of contexts.

    I'm specifically looking for a base, not a combining mark. The tablua accentum on the
    handy bookmark that came with my BHS uses the convention to which I refer: a line relative
    to which the nikud and te'amim are positioned. Personally, I think it is a lousy
    convention: the dotted circle or some other generic mark that approximates the proportions
    of an actual letter is better than this line.

    An application should be able to indicate the baseline, if that is a desirable feature.
    Having a baseline indicator as a combining character is unnecessarily complex.

    John Hudson

    Tiro Typeworks
    Vancouver, BC
    Currently reading:
    Truth and tolerance, by Benedict XVI, Cardinal Ratzinger as was
    An autobiography from the Jesuit underground, by William Weston SJ
    War (revised edition), by Gwynne Dyer

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