Re: Re: Åland

From: Erkki Kolehmainen (
Date: Thu Nov 03 2005 - 00:27:55 CST

  • Next message: Hans Aberg: "Re: Åland"

    Åland is actually not an island. It is an archipelago.

    Erkki I. Kolehmainen

    Hans Aberg wrote:

    > On 2 Nov 2005, at 09:56, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
    >>>> ( that
    >>>> *"Iles d’Åland"
    >>> Many "island" territories do
    >>> not include that particular fact in their name (though some do),
    >>> and in the language spoken in Åland, it is just called "Åland",
    >>> usually not including mentioning the
    >>> islandsness.
    >> Indeed. I don't think I've ever seen the islandness mentioned in
    >> Swedish or in Swedish. If there is anything but the name, it's
    >> something like "Ålands landskap" or "Ålands län", which roughly
    >> corresponds to "county of Åland". Anything corresponding to
    >> "Åland Islands" would probably be taken as purely geographic
    >> and hiding rather than emphasizing the administrative status.
    > Most likely an error. If one wants to indicate that Åland is an island,
    > one can write "Åland (island)" or "the island of Åland" (as opposed to
    > "Isle of Åland"), making clear that "island" is not a part of the name.
    > Hans Aberg

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