Re: U+nnnn notation and normative identifiers.

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Wed Nov 09 2005 - 05:06:31 CST

  • Next message: Peter Constable: "RE: Origin of the U+nnnn notation"

    On Wednesday, November 09, 2005 8:16 AM,
    Philippe Verdy va escriure:

    > From: "Kenneth Whistler" <>
    >>> U-nnnn already exists (or I should say, it has existed).
    >> U+nnnn, actually. The U- notation was introduced by Amd 9 to 10646
    >> in 1997. It was never adopted for any use with Unicode, per se.
    > I have no access to the text of ISO 10646.

    You can read, that is only a
    draft but it would give you a fairly good grasp at the actual technical text
    of the standard.

    There is a lot of material in the ISO website actually; including I earlier
    found drafts around year 1997 which could be used to get an idea of the
    evolution of the standard, without having to schedule an interview with Dr.

    > the U-n...n notation, whever it was standardized or not by ISO. This
    > confusion lead to several implementations using this notation to
    > denote negative code units which are not code points (or code
    > positions if youprefer, with the ISO terminology).

    Perhaps, I never saw such a thing however. What I saw was using P-xxxxxxxx
    notation, where the first x hexadigit were in the 8-F range (or not); I do
    not know if it is ISO-approved or -designed or whatever, though. I guess P
    might stand for Private or Provisional, but they are definitively different
    from PUA.


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