Re: Exemplar Characters

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Thu Nov 17 2005 - 12:12:35 CST

  • Next message: JR: "RE: Hebrew script in IDN (was Exemplar Characters)"

    On Thursday, November 17TH, 2005 09:49Z, Philippe Verdy wrote:
    > Does a Spanish crosswords grid make a difference betwen N and N with
    > tilde?

    Does the French crosswords grid make a difference between C and K?

    Once you answer the latter, you have the answer for the former.

    What is less clear is the status of LL or CH: I do not believe they are
    usually expected to take a single cell, but it can happens sometimes (and
    yes, you are not expected to foresee it.)

    > the tilde is required to write Spanish correctly (the absence of the
    > tilde being considered a fault on correctly typesetted texts, such as
    > book titles or in Spanish dictionnary entries),

    ... and everywhere else as well.
    This is definitively not the same as (stress) accent differences, which case
    is more comparable to French.


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