Re: Exemplar Characters

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Fri Nov 18 2005 - 11:40:12 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: ISO 15924: Different Arabic scripts?"

    From: "Erkki Kolehmainen" <>
    > LDML (UTS #35) stands for Locale Data Markup Language.

    I think this was a joke by Michael. He certinaly knows what CLDR is, even if
    he is probably less interested in it, because it is a secondary project out
    of the Unicode standard itself (it is just hosted by Unicode because most of
    the CLDR contributors are interested and present or represented in the
    Unicode working groups)

    It remains that CLDR and LDML are just technical specifications for how the
    Unicode standard can be used for those projects (there are other UTS related
    to XML, and XML is also not in the Unicode standard ; there are UTS related
    to charset mappings as well, also not in the Unicode standard).

    And ISO 15924 is also not part of the Unicode standard (it remains a ISO
    standard), despite Unicode hosts it, and the Unicode standard includes some
    auxiliary data that /conforms/ to ISO 15924, but this extra data is not part
    of the Unicode standard itself.

    The assignment of code points and names or script block names is also a
    separate standard not part of the Unicode standard: the Unicode standard
    just /conforms/ there to the ISO/IEC 10646 standard which remains the
    reference (this last conformance is strict and adhering to the ISO/EIC 10646
    standard is part of the Unicode standard)

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