Re: Heiroglyphics in Unicode?

From: Kenneth Whistler (
Date: Wed Jan 25 2006 - 20:55:09 CST

  • Next message: "Antwort: Heiroglyphics in Unicode?"

    Kit Peters asked:

    > I have heard that Egyptian heiroglyphics are supported in Unicode. Is this
    > correct?

    Nope. Baseless rumor. :-)

    > If so, as of what revision of the standard, and what file contains
    > the character definitions? I'm assuming they aren't in UnicodeData.txt - a
    > cursory grep ("egypt", "heiro") reveals nothing.

    Egyptian hieroglyphics have been in the plan for a very, very
    long time -- well a long time as Unicoders would calculate it --
    maybe not a long time as Egyptians would reckon. There is a
    fairly complete encoding proposal on the table right now, and
    it is conceivable that the core set of Egyptian hieroglyphics
    may be approved for Unicode sometime in 2006, and start making
    their way through the ISO ballotting process for ISO/IEC 104646.

    At any rate, the best way to find out the current status of
    any particular script in the standard -- already encoded,
    proposed for encoding, or still a distant twinkle on the
    horizon, is to visit the roadmaps:


    > Kit Peters

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