RE: UTF-7 - I'm not really smarter

From: Keutgen, Walter (
Date: Tue Mar 28 2006 - 10:08:40 CST

  • Next message: Antoine Leca: "Re: UTF-7 - I'm not really smarter"


    As I read this text:

    There are 2 encoding rules

    Rule 1 is for characters in 'Set D' and sometimes ('optionally') 'Set 0'
    Rule 2 is for other characters ('Unicode characters') and Set 0 when rule 1 cannot be applied.

    Rule 2 specifies the following stages:

    1) Unicode UTF-16 Big Endian
    2) Transform the corresponding bytes by the
            'Base64 content transfer encoding algorithm as defined in RFC 2045, modified to
          omit the "=" pad character...'

    There are some examples. Try the rules on the examples.

    Best regards


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    -----Original Message-----
    From: [] On Behalf Of
    Sent: Dienstag, den 28. März 2006 17:08
    Subject: UTF-7 - I'm not really smarter


    I read the RFC 2152 and I don't understand, wheter this UTF-7 encodes another encoding such as UTF-8 or does encode the Unicode codecharts directly.
    Reading this RFC, I got the feeling it only encodes UTF-16 encoded Texts, but I think that's not true.


    Nick Jenzowsky
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