Re: apostrophes

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Thu Jun 01 2006 - 12:20:44 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: UTF-8 and Big5"

    At 17:16 +0100 2006-06-01, philip chastney wrote:

    >the rules for English are simply a matter of practice,
    >following "rules" established by Victorian grammarians

    A similar statement may be made about the use of punctuation for
    *every* writing system. They are all based on "rules" established by

    >the rule I was taught at school was something like "it
    >helps if you use different quoatation marks when quoting
    >within quotes" but no definition of primary or secondary
    >marks was mandated

    Attention to the practice in books would have instructed you, as it
    does typographers, who study good printing to find out what is good.
    Same as with any art, I suppose.

    Michael Everson *

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