Re: Glyphs for German quotation marks

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Wed Jun 07 2006 - 15:35:40 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Glyphs for German quotation marks"

    Actually, the CSS attachment part of my message was missing in the email you received. So the Verdana font was not specified, because it was the default font which was specified only in a global CSS style, and not in a <FONT> element.

    So the way the message was rendered depends onthe default font settings of your email reader.

    Or I really don't know what Walter Keutgen wanted to exhibit. Nothing was demonstrative of any problem.

    Note that quotes have typically two styles:
    - a comma shaped style, i.e. small oblique lines; they exist in two variants: with constant thickness (Courier/Courier New style), or with a small variation of thickness (Arial, Verdana styles)
    - a 6-shaped or 9-shaped curly style (used in Times or Times New Roman)

    For the latest recommanded style, the high opening quote (in English) should be 6-shaped or b-shaped, and not p-shaped or mirrored 9-shaped:
    * A 6-shaped or b-shaped quote normally matches reverse-angled strokes whose bottom ends are thicker than top ends (i.e. they are drawn from bottom to top with a pen)
    * A p-shaped or mirrored 9-shaped quote normally matches reverse-angled strokes whose top ends are thicker than bottom ends (i.e. they are drawn from top to bottom with a pen)
    * Using a font with constant stroke width (such as Courier or Courier New), you won't see the difference; but the differences are encoded in Unicode as separate characters. For most other fonts (Arial, Verdana, Times, Times New Roman) you can see the differences provided that you use a sufficient screen resolution.
    * all this is not a locale issue. All these styles are usable and do work in German.

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Mike Ayers" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Wednesday, June 07, 2006 9:13 PM
    Subject: Re: Glyphs for German quotation marks

    > Keutgen, Walter wrote:
    >> there is no font face definition for your first example. I see
    >> everything in Time New Roman.
    > Yep. This is why, when discussing such fine points, it is best to post
    > screenshots of the rendered text, so that everyone sees the same thing,
    > since your Verdana and mine may not be the same.
    > /|/|ike
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