RE: Frequent incorrect guesses by the charset autodetection in IE7

From: Dean Harding (
Date: Wed Jul 19 2006 - 21:55:27 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "Re: Frequent incorrect guesses by the charset autodetection in IE7"

    > It is not strictly necessary to see the links to the *W APIs. The program
    > may be linked staticaly to the *A APIs for compatibility with Win95/98/ME,
    > but still contain dynamic linking at run time to call the *W APIs.

    While that is possible, the empirical tests I did when I actually RAN the
    program indicated that it was in fact NOT a Unicode application - anything I
    tried to type outside of my system's default codepage was turned into
    question marks.

    You certainly can't blame Unicode for applications which don't support it.


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