Re: YahooMail Encoding Problems-1(UTF-8 to TrISO)

From: Luke Onslow (
Date: Tue Dec 12 2006 - 13:23:36 CST

  • Next message: Omi Azad: "Re: YahooMail Encoding Problems-1(UTF-8 to TrISO)"

    Hi, Thanks for bring this up but this forum is for discussion on Unicode. Not implementations of the standard. Wouldn't everybody agree? It is Yahoo's responsibility not the Unicode consortium's. You never know they might offer you a job. Regards, Luke ----- Original Message ---- From: gultekin orhon <> To: Cc: Sent: Tuesday, 12 December, 2006 11:21:33 AM Subject: YahooMail Encoding Problems-1(UTF-8 to TrISO) Yahoogroups is very popular in Turkey and this has increased the usage of “*.yahoo” addresses in emails. In Turkey about 95% of the webpages are composed with Turkish ISO. Personal settings should be 95% TrISO too. Yahoo somehow is incompatible with three unique Turkish Letters, ı(U0130,U0131), ş(U015E and F) and ğ(U007E and F). Yahoo originating mails arrive at Turkish ISO machines as almost illegible. YahooMail-Beta has two sections; Main page with fixed UTF-8 coding and messages sections where encoding is adjustable. Compose Tab is a part of the main section and messages from Yahoo are received as unlegible. “ışığı” comes as “¹º¹»¹” The coding whitewashed “Latin3 ISO”. (Picture Attached) I intend to send two more emails with different coding problems. I have collected some data and sample email correspondance and shall willingly cooperate to help solve the problem. Regards, Gültekin Orhon Bican Efendi Sokak No:8 Kuzguncuk- Üsküdar 34674 Istanbul Tel- 216 341 3856 Tel- 532 644 3420 note- The outgoing message above encoded as UTF-8. -----Original Message----- From: []On Behalf Of Cristian Secara Sent: 05 Kasım 2006 Pazar 23:32 To: Subject: Yahoo Messenger & Unicode: some observations On Sun, 5 Nov 2006 15:35:40 -0500, Don Osborn wrote: > Daniel also mentioned another issue with Yahoo Messenger that he has > encountered - one cannot compose from a Keyman keyboard. There are several problems with the keyboard input and YM. I am aware of these: - Romanian characters S and T with comma below cannot be entered from keyboard (a question mark will appear instead), but they can be copied and pasted from other Unicode application; the recipient sees them correctly, assuming the font used has the required glyphs - the AltGr key is treated as Ctrl key in the first place, so that it is impossible to generate: - character A with breve, using the Romanian (Programmers) keyboard layout available in Windows Vista - character A with diaeresis, using the Hungarian keyboard layout Cristi -- Cristian Secară Send instant messages to your online friends

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