Re: New Public Review Issue: Giving U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT the ID_Continue Property

From: Antoine Leca (
Date: Fri Jan 19 2007 - 09:00:54 CST

  • Next message: Murray Sargent: "RE: Graphics for unicode scripts"

    Rick McGowan wrote:
    > The Unicode Technical Committee has posted a new issue for public
    > review and comment. Details are on the following web page:

    > Briefly, the new issue is:
    > Public Review Issue #100
    > Giving U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT the ID_Continue Property
    > The character U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT has the XID_Continue property, but
    > not the ID_Continue property. It is the only character of this sort.
    > The UTC is considering removing this exception, thus making the set of
    > XID_Continue characters a proper subset of ID_Continue characters.
    > Some further details are on the Review page:

    Mainly a pointer to UAX31, which is far too complex for me to understand.

    Can someone explain in few words what the proposed change will affect?
    Particularly, I cannot decide if

        avinguda Paral·lel;

    would be made an acceptable identifier of supposed type "avinguda", and if
    yes under which sets of rules (the "old, unrecommended" ones, i.e. using
    ID_Continue, and/or the "new, recommended" ones using XID_Continue)?

    Many thanks in advance.

    Also, is it possible to made additional comments regarding the form UAX#31
    is written? Particularly the use of "legacy" in paragraph 5.1; and also the
    sentence "U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT is allowed in ID_Continue", which seems to me to
    state exactly the opposite of what is exposed in the Public Review Issue
    ("U+00B7 MIDDLE DOT has [...] not the ID_Continue property", see above)...


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