Re: Proposing a DOUBLE HYPHEN punctuation mark

From: Jon Hanna (
Date: Mon Jan 22 2007 - 08:25:11 CST

  • Next message: Frank Ellermann: "Re: Proposing UTF-21/24"

    Karl Pentzlin wrote:
    > At (a scan of
    > Dieter E. Zimmer, Sprache im Zeichen ihrer Unverbesserlichkeit,
    > Hamburg 2005, p.169), you see a citation of a text from Arno Schmidt.
    > You see the double hyphen misprinted as an equals sign, due to the lack
    > of a "double hyphen" proper. But you see the double hyphen is cited beside
    > single hyphens within the same text part. This proves that the double
    > hyphen is really needed not only within the text of the author, but
    > also when writing about his work e.g. in Germanistic texts.

    Those of us that aren't familiar with Germanistic texts may need help
    seeing this "proof". What does the double hyphen mean here? As far as I
    can see he is differentiating stylistically between hyphen and soft
    hyphen (there are a good few dashes in the mix also), which is possible
    with the current character set.

    How does the double hyphen here differ, as a character, from U+2010 or

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