Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation

From: Otto Stolz (
Date: Tue Jun 19 2007 - 12:46:52 CDT

  • Next message: Hans Aberg: "Re: hexatridecimal internationalisation"


    JFC Morfin had written:
    > I have H7 Hexatridecimal (295 in decimal) in ASCII,

    I do not understand your system: 295 (base 10) is 8×36 + 7,
    so you are saying that you wish to write «H» for digit 8,
    and «7» for digit 7?

    > how do I write it in Greek or Arab characters.

    Hans Aberg has replied:
    > it seems that you somehow want to get hold of 26
    > Greek or Arab letters to do it.

    Only that the Greek alphabet has less than 26 characters,
    and it has a tradition of using particular letters as

    Best wishes,
       Otto Stolz

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