Re: Specification for XID_Start and XID_Continue

From: Mike (
Date: Tue Aug 14 2007 - 18:08:52 CDT

  • Next message: Philippe Verdy: "RE: Specification for XID_Start and XID_Continue"

    > My opinion is that your code should contain a function to load an external
    > resource at init time, and then the isXidStart() function will use the
    > content of the set loaded before during init.

    In general I would agree, but a simple switch statement should
    be faster. Also I support Unicode versions 3.2, 4.0, 4.1, and
    5.0, and these functions are not dependent on version. If in
    version 5.1 or later, the list of code points changes, I will
    probably do something different.


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