RE: Emoticons (was: Root and fraction (2 new symbols))

From: James Kass (
Date: Sat Oct 13 2007 - 23:04:26 CDT

  • Next message: James Kass: "Re: New FAQ page"

    Philippe Verdy wrote,

    >Andreas Stötzner wrote:
    >> Good heavens, no. “Emoticons”, “dingbats” are just slang terms which
    >> are used by technicians (who rule the standardisation business) instead
    >> of professional definitions. “Symbols” is still regarded by many as a
    >> kind of playground off the serious track of “text”. This is the
    >> problem.
    >I don't know why you think that emoticons and dingbats are identical.

    Andreas Stötzner is a respected typographer who knows the
    differences between emoticons and dingbats very well.

    >Regarding the name "Dingbats", it is named like this only because of a
    >popular Adobe font popularized in Postscript printers (popularized itself by
    >Apple in MacOS).

    Quoting from Wikipedia,
         "The term supposedly originated as onomatopoeia in old
         style metal-type print shops, where extra space around
         text or illustrations would be filled by "ding"ing an
         ornament into the space then "bat"ing tight to be ready
         for inking [citation needed]."

    Best regards,

    James Kass

    P.S. - Political satirist Al Franken, in one of his books, made
    some interesting references to Rush Limbaugh's fact-checker.

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