Re: Ol Chiki character name typo?

From: David Starner (
Date: Tue Nov 27 2007 - 13:29:44 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "ISO Committee and Unicode"

    On Nov 27, 2007 1:07 PM, Andrew West <> wrote:
    > All ISO committees have their own n-numbers, so SC2 n-numbers are
    > different from SC2/WG2 n-numbers, which are different from SC2/WG2/IRG
    > n-numbers.
    > [...]
    > It's not rocket science.

    Funny that; it sounds a lot like the rocket science that crashed a
    probe on Mars because it couldn't decide between metric and imperial.
    Anyone else find it incredibly, mind-bogglingly stupid to label a
    series of documents n1, n2 and so on, when you know that someone else
    is also labeling an overlapping set of documents n1, n2, and so?
    There's 26 letters of the English alphabet, so even if you have to use
    letter+number format, you can use a different letter.

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