Re: Vai character use?

From: Michael Everson (
Date: Mon Dec 10 2007 - 04:20:39 CST

  • Next message: Henrik Theiling: "Capital sharp s"

    At 01:47 -0800 2007-12-10, James Kass wrote:

    >Should a font for Vai include U+066D - ARABIC FIVE POINTED STAR?

    I shouldn't think so. That's just an asterisk clone.

    >These apparently older exhibits, as Peter Constable pointed out
    >initially, do not use word dividers. The Bible exhibit could have
    >been left and right justified, but wasn't. This suggests that if
    >line-breaking isn't triggered by the space character, some kind
    >of dictionary look-up would be needed.

    I think we should not try to worry about that any more than we worry
    about scriptio continua in Latin.

    Michael Everson *

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