RE: List of Latin characters which look the same but are encoded differently

From: Philippe Verdy (
Date: Sat Jan 05 2008 - 20:46:44 CST

  • Next message: John Hudson: "Re: chairless hamza (in reply to John)"

    Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
    > It is unfortunate that uppercase letters are used to label keys. It's
    > illogical, since the key produces the lowercase form, in the normal
    > state. And it causes problems like this. But it's probably either too
    > late or too early to change such things.

    It's not illogical on the keycaps: the uppercase letters are normally drawn
    on the upper part of the key, the lowercase would be below it if it was
    preferred not to draw them, in order to keep the keyboard readable.

    If not convinced, look at the position of the euro symbol on a the E key of
    a French or German keyboard: it is drawn in a lower position, and
    consistently on the right side because it uses the right Alt (AltGr key).

    So if you want to make some distinction and a lowercase letter should be
    drawn, draw it at the correct position, but you don't need to draw also the
    uppercase version. Just draw the letters that are needed to allow correct
    distinction of keys (the capital will be implicitly composed by the Shift

    I think that capital letters were chosen for the Basic letters because they
    look larger and easier to identify. If lowercase letters were chosen, the
    uppercase letters should not even be drawn, and the letters would be drawn
    on the lower-left position on each key...

    The correct placement of glyphs on keys is an important feature and visual
    hint for users. Some really badly designed keyboards don't consider this
    important, and draw centered letters on keycaps, when some other keycaps are
    showing multiple different characters, and it's not immediately evident
    which one is to compose with the shift key (or in Caps Lock mode). Such
    placement is not always possible on very tiny keyboards (sub-notebooks,
    handheld computers, mobile phones, mobile electronic agendas...)

    But these keyboards are certainly not the best tool to compose texts with
    the best correct typography, and the same devices will rarely have a display
    capable of rendering it precisely with a good enough resolution, so
    approximation of input and output is an acceptable(?) compromise on these
    devices (the texts may be later edited and corrected on a more capable
    computer after transfers).

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