Re: Bidirectional angle quotation mark?

From: Leo Broukhis (
Date: Tue Jun 10 2008 - 04:08:51 CDT

  • Next message: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven: "Last resort font"

    Hello André!

    > The lowercase T is not exactly weired if you know cyrillic history. In
    > cursive, it's actually still reflected. This shape originates from
    > exaggerating the vertical half-serifs on the horizontal T-bar,
    > originally motivated by the attempt to make the T clearly distinct
    > from the cyrillic Ge.

    And, in this book virtually indistinguishable from the cyrillic Sha.
    As much as I am able to speed-read a text using the old Russian
    orthography with yats, yers and dotted i's, this T throws me off.

    > Now, the glyph you have demonstrated could be either considered a
    > "undirectional/unpaird guillemet-type quotation mark", which could be
    > eligible for encoding, or it could be considered a glyph variation of
    > the RIGHT POINTING guillemet in analogy of the Swedish and Finnish use
    > of
    > »Quotation comes here»
    > --- I'd personally prefer the latter notion.

    This kind of makes sense, as each line of a long quoted sentence is
    often (but not always even within a chapter) marked with the
    character, e.g:

       Увидѣвшись наединѣ съ
    Меналкомъ, сказалъ онъ яму: »бра-
    » тецъ ! всѣ сосѣды говорятъ о
    » твоей жертвѣ, которая достойна
    » твоей добродѣтели, ...

    (Very Usenet-style, I'd say.)

    And I'll guess that the Russian secular typography tradition was
    borrowing from the Swedish at that time. Thus, as there is no special
    codepoint for the unpaired Finnish-Swedish guillemet in current usage,
    it would be unwise to request one for the unpaired Russian guillemet.


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