Unicode Releases Common Locale Data Repository, Version 1.6.1

From: Rick McGowan (rick@unicode.org)
Date: Fri Jul 25 2008 - 15:18:58 CDT

  • Next message: Rick McGowan: "Public Review Issue #123 - Bengali Currency Numerator Values"

    There is a new release of the Unicode Common Locale Data Repository:
    Unicode CLDR 1.6.1.

    It is an is an update release, with no new translations. The main changes
    are supplemental data changes required to support the Olson time zone
    database version 2008d. The Unicode LDML specification
    (http://unicode.org/reports/tr35/) has also been updated with some
    editorial changes, including clarification regarding the use of BCP 47. For
    details, see http://unicode.org/cldr/repository_access.html

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.5 : Fri Jul 25 2008 - 15:23:43 CDT