Re: Designing Data Entry Forms for RTL Environments ...

From: Andreas Prilop (
Date: Thu Aug 14 2008 - 09:26:03 CDT

  • Next message: Phillips, Addison: "RE: Designing Data Entry Forms for RTL Environments ..."

    On Tue, 12 Aug 2008, Ed Trager wrote:

    > Suppose we are creating an appropriately-localized data entry form
    > for an RTL environment like Arabic or Hebrew with data entry elements
    > such as:
    > Name: [ ]
    > Email: [ ]
    > Birthday: [ ]
    > It goes without saying that for the "Name:" <input> element (and
    > other similar entry elements) we will set the CSS "direction" property
    > to "rtl".

    First, somebody might prefer his name to be written in Latin characters.
    Second, Arabic and Hebrew letters go "automatically" from right to left
    even with "dir=ltr".

    > For the sake of simplicity, lets assume that this form is for
    > a business application, and so the date element allows the user
    > to enter a Gregorian date using digits only, at a minimum in
    > ISO YYYY-MM-DD form.

    That would even be too complicated for most Americans.
    Split "Birthday" into three fields, "Year of birth", "month of birth",
    "day of birth".

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