Emoji character identity

From: André Szabolcs Szelp (a.sz.szelp@gmail.com)
Date: Tue Jan 06 2009 - 05:47:41 CST

  • Next message: Michael Everson: "Re: Emoji-- all or nothing?"

    Dear list members,
    especially those favouring the encoding of emoji.

    Please address the inquiry below (already posted earlier, but unduly ignored):

    > Actually, even in the domain of emoji, how do you
    > define character identity? How do you know that a
    > "Chick" is a different character entity of "Hatching
    > Chick", how do you know they are not mere *glyph
    > variants* of the character FLEDGELING?? Having
    > had assigned different private JIS-codes in the
    > operators' private standard does not make them
    > different characters, as we've seen it with
    > preexisting standards of Arabic (having a
    > codepoints for every positional variant) or the
    > previously cited Chinese national standard using
    > PUA for precomposed Tibetan glyphs! The same
    > for "Red Heart", "Purple Heart", &c, &c. How
    > do you know they are not mere
    > resentational/glyph variants of the character
    > HEART (already encoded: U+2661, U+2665,
    > U+2764) assigend different codepoints in a
    > standard not aware of the character-glyph
    > model? (There have been a plenty of standards
    > which would not make this distinction and would
    > encode glyphs rather than characters; how
    > do you know the present emoji private encoding
    > is not such one?)

    In my understanding glyph variations (latin ligatures, arabic
    contextual alternates) are ever only encoded to solve round tripping
    with _preexisting_ standards.


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