Re: Determining Locale in a Browser for Web 2.0 Applications

From: Samuel Thibault (
Date: Sat Apr 18 2009 - 04:16:10 CDT

  • Next message: Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven: "Re: Determining Locale in a Browser for Web 2.0 Applications"

    Jeroen Ruigrok van der Werven, le Sat 18 Apr 2009 10:02:34 +0200, a écrit :
    > >For example, (3rd question...) am I correct in assuming that I *cannot*
    > >determine date format preferences?  For example, if a browser like Opera is
    > >only going to tell me "en" and not "en-GB" or "en-US" or "en-AnywhereElse",
    > >then I guess there's no way to localize the date format to a preferred locale?
    > No, you will have to make an assumption.

    Well, on _proper_ OSes, once you know the Accept-Language value, you can
    just open the corresponding locale on your server and use the usual time
    formating functions...


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